
    Main Idea: 

    Floating Dream


    ParallaxJS, Jquery, Jquery-mousewheel


    2016/8 I call each dream a "Wonder" They bring me to the Wonderland Like a story just begins Like a river never ends

    Hi, I'm 鍾維聖, you can call me 飛膝(FlyC)
    Graduated from University of Taipei(2015)
    Working so hard at front-end website developing 
    Trying to make this world more beautiful by some amazing "Wow~"
    To expect myself won't stuck at the same consideration,
    I prefer call myself "Creator" rather than "Programmer" 
    I hope I fit this title :p
    Get a half year practical training at Pixnet(痞客邦) (2014).
    During my practical training,
    I focused at visualizing what the designer wanted.
    Like animating a character, or cut-scenes design.
    In that half year, I met a lot of people who are the best,
    knew several interesting websites about programing,
    a little bit understood how the works work.
    and yes, my animation skill just like a full-power rocket~!!
    ...Well, at least I hope so :p
    Front-end skills like html, css(scss) and javascript(Jquery), 9 points.
    Animation skills like js/css animation, 8 points.
    Visualize skills like canvas, svg, 7 points.
    Plugins using like Tween, D3 or Parallax, 7 points.
    RWD consideration, learning, so, 6 points
    Back-end skill, only Ruby on Rails, 5 points
    but knowing basic consideration of MVC and CRUD
    Say hi to me at Facebook or Follow me at Codepen
    or send me an e-mail if you want :D
    Here you go: yayayahahahaooii@gmal.com
    See You :D